Grand Teton Fly Fishing


GTFF partner, Mark Fuller joins Hart – Montgomery

Mark Fuller joins Hart-Montgomery Outdoor Sales! We are happy to announce that GTFF partner and guide, Mark Fuller has joined the Hart-Montgomery Team as a contract rep covering the states of Oregon, Washington, and Alaska. Mark and Rachael, and their two daughters, live in Hood River, Oregon. Most recently, Mark spent over 6 years with Korkers products, a specialty footwear manufacturer based in Portland, Oregon. He was their Pacific Northwest sales representative, and also their Western ...

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Thoughts on the 2021 Guide Season – Covid, early water forecast & pre-bookings

Wow, in nearly a blink of eye, we are heading full steam into another Spring season with our peak summer season looming before too long. We hate to see time fly by so quickly, yet it sure is nice to have 2020 in our rear view mirror. For our business we couldn't have been more fortunate. A strong community covid plan combined with a high demand for outdoor recreation meant we were one of the lucky businesses coming out of 2020, yet the stress and uncertainties were real and we feel tremendo...

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Ice Fishing with Grand Teton Fly Fishing – Ice Fish Jackson Hole!

For many years we have sought out a viable private lake access for those early summer days when the rivers are too high for good angling, a location to take beginners, kids or perhaps disabled, looking for a safe and fun experience. Well, in 2019 we met Lelio Ravagnani, owner of Lava Creek Ranch on the east side of Togwotee Pass and our relationship began. His property and our growing partnership has fulfilled that early season venue. In addition, starting in 2020 we acquired all the nece...

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Líneas Apretadas!

Grand Teton Fly Fishing da la bienvenida a nuestra comunidad hispana para explorar y registrar para nuestro correo electrónico informativo a fin de que puedes empezar a aprender como pescar con mosca. Recuerda siempre: 1) Pesca con ganchos sin púas. 2) Practica la captura y liberación adecuadas. 3) Esta familiarizado con los regulaciones locales. 4) Ser consciente de la vida silvestre y los peligros del río. Líneas apretadas! GTFF Administración...

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Lava Creek Ranch – Our Private Access Awaits!

LAVA CREEK RANCH, A PRIVATE ACCESS PARTNERSHIP WITH GRAND TETON FLY FISHING Nestled just on the East side of Togowotee Pass near Lava Mountain Lodge sits a quiet, peaceful and serene piece of property known as Lava Creek Ranch. Owned and managed by Lelio Ravagnani, this unique access allows GTFF guides to take our valued guests to some of the best private still water fishing in Western Wyoming. The property hosts a 4 acre lake that is full of large rainbows, browns and cutthroats. The layout ...

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GTFF Awarded new GTNP contract for 2020!

As many of you may or may not know we operate under a NPS concessions contract within GTNP. These are typically limited, 10 year contracts and our previous agreement ran out on December 31, 2019. To our delight and through continuous effort to adapt and train we are happy to announce the NPS awarded GTFF the 2020 contract that will see us through 2029. Furthermore, our operation has been rated as "Superior" 4 years in a row from GTNP, a rating that is not easily acquired. Our staff feels hon...

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Spring Water & Fishing Update and Coronavirus – Revised 3/27/20

Much has transpired in the last few weeks and we feel it is important to deliver a message about our current and future operating plans. First, the spring fishing has been very good and before the resorts closed on March 15, 2020 we had several very successful trips to the Snake River during one of our favorite times of the season. At this time of the year streamers and midges will be your best approach. In the next few weeks we expect to see a push of skwalla stoneflies move up river just b...

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Spring 2019 Water Report

A look at our current conditions, April 23, 2019 Our winter took its time getting started this past season with minimal snow in November, December and January. Local ski areas had just enough snow to work with to keep our holiday visitors happy and it seemed just as it was beginning to look bad we would get a few inches or so to cover the trails in a soft new coat. That all changed late in January, just as our guides Josh Gallivan and Scott Smith took a group of hardy winter anglers to Ab...

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Summer 2018 Season Summary

Summer 2018 Season Summary

This past Summer Season of 2018 was one of the best in recent memory which is a bold statement since most years are quite good with only slight variations coming into play. To have these great conditions line up  we first need a healthy snowpack up in the Teton Range. This season we started with a generous 120% of our annual snowfall, a bit over average but that number helps mitigate the damage of a warm spring and hot, dry summer that are unfortunately more common in recent years. The wet w...

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Water Forecast for Summer 2018

June 13, 2018 As we quickly approach the Summer Solstice it is now a safe bet to make some more precise water predictions for the upcoming prime summer fishing season. Our peak flows on the Snake River occurred two weeks ago topping out around 27,200 cfs in the Snake River canyon, a healthy flush but not a record runoff at all. Currently tribs are on the drop; settling and clearing will increase over the next 3 weeks with most runoff ending by early July, a couple weeks sooner than previous...

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