It is not difficult to see, even with the untrained eye the remarkable beauty and significant wildlife that exists in the Headwaters region of the Snake River and Grand Teton National Park. Around nearly every corner lies something truly amazing and it is these characteristics that opened the door to fully protecting this part of our natural world for many generations to come.

When an area is considered for Wild and Scenic designation as is the Snake River Headwaters, a list of primary characteristics is reviewed and scored. These are known as the areas ORV's or,
Outstandingly Remarkable Values and make the river worthy of special protection. The primary characteristics of ORV's include scenic, recreational, cultural, ecological(wildlife & Fish) and geologic.
Once you understand and appreciate these qualifications it opens up an awareness to how truly remarkable our Snake River Headwaters are, one might say of outstandingly remarkable value.

We say it often but it can never be overstated how lucky we are to operate in such an incredible part of the world. Regardless of your angling prowess or your catch results on any given day, the true experience of witnessing the Headwaters region of the Snake River is always a remarkable experience.
To learn more about the Snake River Headwaters and Grand Teton National Park visit: